Learn how thousands of Pickleball players are implementing this (1) equipment change to add longevity to their playing career while winning more games.
It took you a while, but you finally found the game you love. Pickleball. 💙
How I Proved Them All Wrong With This (1) Equipment Change”
Learn how thousands of Pickleball players are implementing this (1) equipment change to add longevity to their playing career while winning more games.
It took you a while, but you finally found the game you love. Pickleball. 💙
You had always enjoyed being active, and wanted to play a game that was competitive, social with an invigorating splash from the fountain of youth.
Just like the millions before you. You caught the bug, the Pickleball bug.
You quickly got the hang of the game, and even won some good matches.
Your dink game was becoming strategic and you even started working on 3rd shot techniques.
Your game was improving and you began to feel a sense of flow to your game. Everything was getting better.
Until it wasn’t...
Now your body is full of unfamiliar aches and sores.
You worry that you might even get seriously injured and need to sit out for weeks, months or even worse….have to go under the knife for a risky surgery.
Maybe you even feel isolated and worry that the invites to compete may diminish if you can’t keep up with your cohort of Pickleball friends.
Believe it or not, this is an all too common tale within the pickleball world.
In fact, I hear it daily.
Take the story of Thomas from San Diego. Six years ago his doctor told him the devastating news that he has debilitating arthritis in his right shoulder.
Thomas circa 2016 playing in pain with an arthritic shoulder
His doctor told him the only solution was surgery and that he may never be able to play the same again - his serve wouldn’t have the same level of accuracy, ever.
Guess what? Thomas never had that shoulder surgery.
By the grace of the pickleball Gods, Thomas was one of the lucky ones who discovered that a simple equipment change would allow him to keep playing pickleball at a competitive level - pain free!
There are many others just like Thomas who found the secret to increasing the longevity of their pickleball days while also enhancing their performance on the court.
The reality is that everyone around you is probably suffering from wear and tear on their bodies, even if they never admit it.
Oftentimes our mind just ignores the pain signals, unwilling to recognize that something is wrong.
These pickleball players not only play pickleball the wrong way, more dangerously, they play with the wrong equipment, subjecting themselves to unnecessary and costly bodily harm.
They severely fail to realize their equipment decisions puts their Pickleball playing days in constant jeopardy.
They continually over extend their physical capabilities with faulty equipment in a desperate attempt to stay competitive.
It's ineffective, dangerous and can result in irreparable damage to the body.
It doesn’t have to
be this way.
Thankfully, If this sounds like you, this letter will radically change your entire pickleball playing experience adding decades of longevity to your playing career while simultaneously improving your dinks, drop shots, serves and volleys.
This is my storyand I think it can help you.
If you love pickleball as much as I do and you suffer from arthritis, sore shoulders, aching wrists, tennis elbow, painful arthritis or a lingering sports related injury then its in your best interest to keep reading.
It's frustrating. It’s discouraging. It can even be a little scary to feel like your body isn’t keeping up with your love for the sport.
Like many Pickleball players I was originally dedicated to the sport of Tennis.
I know exactly what I was a 2 time Big-8 Tennis Champion for the University of Oklahoma and an ITF World Tennis Champion. are going through.
I was on top of the world...and then in a blink of an eye I wasn’t.
While on an athletic scholarship I suffered a devastating injury to my serving arm. I had to drop out of college for an entire year just to rehabilitate my arm.
I came back the next year and learned to play hurt. It was terrible.
My fears and anxieties were at an all time high — what if I injure myself even more?
The power in my serve was gone and the pain started to wear me down mentally, physically and emotionally.
My dreams of being a professional tennis player were fading. I felt lost and hopeless.
I was losing a part of my identity.
I was devastated, but I didn’t want to give up.
Helped relieve the pain, but only momentarily. I ended up spending $1000s with no permanent results.
I hated the harmful side effects and it was clearly a short term solution.
Negatively affected my play and only put a “band-aid” on the root cause of my pain.
The doctor told me it would only have a 66% success rate and that I would lose power in my swing. Too risky for me.
Provided relief, but the aches and pains came roaring back as soon as I started playing again.
The harsh reality is that None of these remedies addressed the physiological and Kinesiological mechanisms behind the cause of my injury and pain
I knew there had to be a better way.
For years I scoured the internet and implored my network of friends for a solution only to be discouraged and dismayed.
Everyone was using the same ineffective methods to address the issue.
I was about to give up and just accept that I would never be able to play again.
Then lightning stuck
Almost a decade after my career ending injury I stumbled upon an innovative yet little known tennis racket company called Prokennex.
Prokennex’s sole mission was to make sports equipment exclusively for people who were suffering from racket sport injuries and soreness.
Their technology sounded promising and gave me a glimmer of hope, but I was still skeptical.
I dug deeper and learned that Prokennex invented an ingenious technology that takes shock and vibration out of tennis rackets, so that people with tennis elbow and other injuries could continue to play - pain free.
I had to know more.
So after dropping out of College due to the arm injury I started playing with this revolutionary racket that implemented their patented “kinetic technology” (more on that later).
I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and if this kinetic racket technology they invented could truly help me return to the game I loved so much. 💙
WOW! Telling you that I was floored, shocked and amazed by the arm saving benefits of this racket would be an understatement.
After one day of playing tennis with the Prokennex kinetic technology enabled racket my entire world changed for the better.
My arm got better. Heck, my arm even got stronger. I was back to serving 110mph and ripping my signature one-handed backhand.
The best part was that my excruciating aches and pains were GONE.
And I felt humbled and grateful ProKennex gave my career a second chance.
I started playing national Tennis at the 30, 35, 40, 45 and the 50 year old tournaments all across the country and the world.
My arm felt like it did back in my early 20s and I started dominating the sport again.
My competitors who had written me off as a “has been” started texting me after tournaments asking me what my secret was - one opponent even asked if I was taking PEDs (performance enhancing drugs)!
They were so wrong.
My winning streak only got better as I aged.
I became an IATF World Championship of tennis at 45 and for a brief moment I was #1 in the United States in Men’s Double, 50 and over.
I felt like I had been reborn. I had been given a new lease on my athletic career.
I had to give all the credit to the Prokennex Kinetic technology allowing me to play pain free without worrying about if I was causing permanent damage to my arm.
Even my doctor who suggested I quit playing years before was dumbfounded by my progress and encouraged me to keep playing tennis.
I was elated and almost giddy about finding this “fountain of youth” that nobody knew about - it became my secret weapon.
And then everything changed - I played Pickleball one time that year and instantly fell in love with the game.
I came home that night and I told my wife, “I’m quitting tennis.”
I had an indescribable feeling of discovery about the sport I had been unconsciously looking for.
I fell in love with Pickleball and gave up everything for it. 💙
It struck my soul.
I’m Also the owner of Bobby’s Riggs Racket & Paddle Club in Encinitas, rated the Top Pickleball Facility of 2020.
As my professional pickleball career started taking off I started to feel haunting whispers from my distant past.
The pain came back with vengeance....
It wasn’t just me.
Pickleball players of all ages were asking me for advice on how to treat sore shoulders, tennis elbow, arthritis and sore wrists.
I knew exactly what they were going through and it pained me to see them trying outdated and hazardous solutions to their physical problems, much like the ones I tried decades ago.
It also broke my heart to see people being forced to quit playing the amazing sport of pickleball.
What happens to pickleball players who never address the root cause of their physical ailments? They end up watching their friends and family play from the sidelines.
I knew exactlywhat was happening to these players.
Even if you hit the wall lightly, over time the tissue, cartilage, joints, nerves and muscles in your hand will crumble to dust.
It doesn’t matter if you are a 24 year old professional or a 60 year old beginner, pickleball players at any level experience aches, pains and injuries from this repetitive action.
These pickleball players were making the same mistake I had made — only treating the symptoms of their pickleball injuries and ailments — never the root cause.
93% of pickleball injuries and painful ailments are due to shocks and vibrations that occur from repetitively hitting a pickleball with a traditional pickleball paddle.
Lets face it, pickleball paddle design really hasn’t changed that much in the last decade.
After hearing countless stories from frustrated pickleball players, I couldn't let these people go down the same painful path I had endured.
The pickleball world needed a solution that wasn’t yet available on the market or even talked about in the world of Pickleball.
I knew EXACTLY what the pickleball community needed. It was so obvious to me, but nobody else.
I knew I had a modern solution to an age old problem
I told him, “Kevin, Pickleball desperately needs your kinetic technology!”
Think about it, What would happen if you kept playing pickleball the same way as you are doing now? Are your physical woes going to magically disappear?
Are you making the right decisions today that will allow you to play pickleball tomorrow?
As a 60 year old Pickleball champion I know what it takes to win, but more importantly I know what it takes to stay healthy.
Kevin Gilbert at ProKennex is a tennis purist, but took a chance on what I was asking and gave me carte blanche to create the world’s best Pickleball paddle using ProKennex’s arm saving kinetic technology.
As I set out to create the perfect paddle I became the ideal “guinea pig” for this revolutionary Prokennex invention. I was so excited I could barely sleep most nights.
I had to get the paddle perfect.
Most importantly I had to make sure that the Kinetic technology absorbed the power, torque, and vibration of a Pickleball into the paddle the same way it does so flawlessly with a tennis racket.
It wasn’t easy.
The Prokennex owner would send me the new pickleball paddles we designed together and I acted as a litmus test for how effective the technology was in providing power and speed, but most importantly keeping me free of pain and injury while playing pickleball.
I worked tirelessly to ensure the paddle performed at the highest level of competitive play while eliminating the damanaging wear and tear on the human body that comes from hitting a pickleball over and over and over.
I tested the paddles at home, at my club and in tournaments. I was obsessed.
After two years, and hundreds of tweaks and modifications, I finally had the perfect pickleball paddle:
Let me introduce you to the Prokennex Pro Flight Speed — The most innovative and revolutionary pickleball paddle ever invented.
Over two years in the making, the ProKennex Kinetic technology I incorporated into the Prokennex Pro Flight Speed employs a highly sensitive timing system with internal tungsten-filled chambers that reduce vibration and focus energy more efficiently.
This pickleball paddle is a quantum leap in paddle design, incorporating the proven Kinetic Energy technology which is specifically made to prevent and treat arm and elbow injuries while delivering world class playability.
Our studies by MIT labs show that this technology can help reduce energy translation to the handle, reducing harmful impact forces that can cause or aggravate arthritis, sprains, tenniditious, sore muscles, achy joints and arm injuries
The best part - it was created by Pickleball players, for Pickleball players. Not a product engineer like so many other paddles.
Bingo! We had done it - We created the perfect pickleball paddle.
Let’s take a moment and dive into the technology behind the kinetic system - it still blows my mind to this day:
But I didn’t stop there…
As a champion professional pickleball player I needed a paddle that not only absorbed the balls impact reducing harmful shock and vibration - I needed a paddle that was made for winners, perfect touch and performed aerodynamically at the highest level.
During the painstaking two years of research and development we added these key features that make this the highest performing paddle on the planet:
State of the art Toray T700 Carbon Fiber Pickleball paddle with perfect blend of power and control. Its virtually impossible to break this paddle with its graphite inlay.
New Cloud Core technology reduces the paddle’s weight due to wider spacing in the honeycomb design adding power and accuracy to your swings.
Proprietary Diamond Frost micro texture coats the hitting surface with a compound uniquely capable of adding surface contact with the ball, which not only imparts more spin, but lasts longer than traditional surfaces so you can access more spin for a longer period of time. This alone makes the ProFlight better than any other paddle.
An Original Air-O-Guard system achieves paddle protection without the weight and balance problems of current, outdated guards. edge guard wears out, instead of replacing the paddle like you do with all other companies, simply replace your AIR -O-GUARD with a brand new one which can be found wherever FLIGHT paddles are sold.
CLOUD CELL™ core system: Absorbs The Balls Energy Reducing Harmful Vibration And Shocks
Allowing people to play pickleball longer, healthier and happier is the primary way to allow this sport to grow across the nation and the world.
I also don’t want to see countless players spending their hard earned money on useless and pointless solutions to manage their aches and pains.
An investment in this paddle is an investment in yourself and your health.
Having a paddle that dramatically reduces the amount of vibration energy passed through the handle and into your arm will ultimately save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in physical therapy, braces, pain pills and other haphazard “solutions”.
Trust me, I know.
Finally, it was time for me to bring this paddle to market.
I was lost on how much to sell it for.
Our groundbreaking pickleball paddle has technology in it that no other paddle on the planet offers (saving players emotional and financial woes caused by arm injuries is worth a fortune).
Businessmen and potential investors said I was sitting on a gold mine.
They told me I could easily sell this paddle for $500 or $400 and people would buy it knowing that it would save them boatloads of money and agony in the long run. It’s a work-of-art, the first truly crafted Pickleball paddle.
Although they had a valid point, I didn’t listen.
That is why I decided to ignore the true market value the paddle and for a limited time offer the Prokennex Pro Flight Speed at a discounted cost of only $300 $189.95
That’s right core system: Absorbs The Balls Energy Reducing Harmful Vibration And Shocks
Once you click on the blue button that says “YES! I Want My Own Kinetic Pro Flight Speed Paddle” you will be taken to a check out page where you can buy the paddle direct from me ensuring you get an authentic Pro Flight Speed Paddle and not some counterfeit model sold by imposters.
We ship with care directly to you from our warehouse at the Bobby’s Riggs Racket & Paddle Club in Encinitas.
I'm so confident that you will love this paddle and that you’ll never want to play with another paddle ever again.
However, if for some reason you aren’t satisfied with your purchase you can contact me and my staff directly and we will go out of our way to make sure you are satisfied.
The choice is simple...
This is a decision you should not take lightly, but I wouldn’t take too long to decide as other resellers are already sold out of this revolutionary paddle due to feverish demand.
In fact, my Prokennex Pro Flight Speed is so popular it's no longer available on many of the top pickleball websites:
Luckily for you, I still have a few left in stock.
Don’t wait any longer as supplies are limited.
Click the button below to get your very own Prokennex Pro Flight Speed paddle for the discounted price of $300 $189.95
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.
The Kinetic Pro Flight Speed is the latest ProKennex paddle. After over two years in research and development, our engineers developed a proprietary 7-layer carbon fiber surface coating and complex composite, including our proprietary Diamond Frost coating which produces unparalleled ball spin while resisting wear and tear.
This unique approach delivers a performance paddle like no other that gives you ultimate consistency, accelerated ball velocity, an extra large sweet spot, maximum spin, and perfect feel. Simply put, the Pro Flight Speed delivers the speed and consistency you need to take your Pickleball game to another level.